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 Edit Bar controls: Through Point

This tool creates a series of joined Bezier entities, each one being tangential to the previous.

Through Point - if checked, this option causes the Bezier curves to pass through the picked points,  as opposed to being tangential to lines joining the previous points.

Pick four points which define the first Bezier entity. The curve starts at the first point, is tangential to a line joining the first and second points, is tangential to a line joining the second and third points and finishes at the fourth point.

Thereafter further curves may be created, the first control point being automatically taken as the last control point of the previous entity, and the second control point being locked to be in line with the previous two points, thus ensuring tangentiality.

At each stage, the status bar indicates which control point is next.

If you wish to override the tangentiality between adjacent curves, when being prompted for the second control point, right-click and choose Cancel Bezier Entity. This breaks the locking which normally occurs.

At any other time, right-clicking and choosing Cancel Bezier Entity will cause the tool to quit the current curve being drawn, if there is one, or quit the tool if there is not.

You can modify Bezier entities once they are drawn using the Bezier Node Editor tool.

Related topics: Notes On Draw Tools, Beziers

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