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Dimension General

The Dimension Tools are available for creating all types of dimensions, including line, angle and arc dimensions. Most of the dimensioning tools auto-repeat allowing you to enter multiple dimensions. To cancel a tool press the right hand mouse button or select a new tool. All snap modes and lock modifiers are available when identifying points for a dimension, regardless of type or operation mode (see below for details on operation modes). Although it is made up of several entities, lines, arcs and text, a dimension can be regarded as one entity. When selecting dimension entities, a single pick will cause the entire dimension to be selected.

Common Edit Bar controls:

Both ends - this option is available for Horizontal, Vertical, Aligned and Rotated dimensions. Its purpose is to allow you to create a single-click dimension. With the option switched on you can identify an entity and drag the dimension into position with a single mouse click. Alternatively, you can click on an entity, drag the dimension into position and define the leader length with a second click.

Fixed Text - determines the position of the text along the dimension line. If checked, the text is positioned according to the Settings. If not checked, the text is moved around with the cursor and positioned by picking a locating point.

Align dimension - allows you to align a dimension with an existing dimension. If checked, you will be prompted to identify the dimension to align the new one to. If this option is not checked, the dimension can be positioned freely.

Dimension Mode - pick from:

Chain - allows you to create a series of joined dimensions. First pick the start point of the dimension, then pick the end point; this point is then the start point of the next dimension. Next pick the end point of the next dimension and so on. The dimension is displayed as the distance between each two points.

Parallel - allows you to create several dimensions from the same start point. First pick the start point of the dimensions, then pick the end point. The tool then repeatedly prompts for the end point of the next dimension. The dimension appears with text offset from the text of the first dimension created giving a stepped appearance.

Running - a simplified version of Parallel mode where the dimension is calculated between the first point and the new point but the text is aligned with the previous text and only one terminator is displayed at the end point.

Single - the start and end point of each dimension is to be identified.

Text mode - For all dimensions, the position of the dimension value and dimension line can be specified using the Text Mode text box. Pick from:

Automatic - the dimension value and line will automatically be placed inside/outside the projection line, whichever is the more appropriate in the case.

Inside - the dimension value and line will be inside the projection lines.

Outside - the dimension value and line will be outside the projection lines.

Width - allows you to change the width of the text. The displayed default value will be the one defined in the Settings. N.B. Text width has no meaning for True Type fonts, as the width is related to the height.

Height - allows you to change the height of the text. The displayed default value will be the one defined in the Settings.

  • You can either enter the text sizes on the edit bar or use the Nudge keys to adjust them interactively.

Settings - choose the named settings from the list. These settings are stored in the Dimension Settings (Master Tool Settings). You can make a temporary override to the settings shown by pressing the button to the right of the pulldown list and changing the values shown in the Dimension Settings form.

Favourite - Dimension Settings can be flagged as Favourites.

Related topics: Dimensions, Favourites

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