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Rotary Scrap

  The Rotary Scrap Tool is used to break up waste areas on the sheet. This is done by add scrap knives to the male stripper.

When the tool is started the edit bar will look something like this:-

You should choose the required Master Tool Settings from the drop-down list and either switch on or off the Replicate option as required.

Impact will initially calculate the drawing extents, either using Cut type palettes or selected entities, depending on whether or not the current layer contains any selected entities. It will then draw a rectangle around the extents, taking into account the extensions from the MTS. This rectangle will form closed shape areas into which the scrap knives can be added.

You are prompted to select the centre of a hole. Use the normal Hole finder methods to define the required shape (such as Shift-click to add to a hole) and then press the Accept button on the edit bar.

The scrap knives will be added to the shape according to the MTS and the tool will change to the Editing Knives mode. From the drop-down list you can then choose one of the following options:-

  • Add knife
  • Change number
  • Corner
  • Edit knife
  • Intersect
  • Offset
  • Remove knife

Add knife

Identify two points. A new knife will be added between the two points.

Change number

The edit bar changes to something like this:-

You can override the number of knives in either the vertical or horizontal direction. The changes will be applied immediately and the new spacing value displayed.


Identify two knives and the Corner tool will execute, either trimming or extending the entities as necessary.

Edit knife

The edit bar changes to something like this:-

The precision value is the snap distance to move dragged points by.

You are prompted to identify a knife to edit. The identified knife will have edit handles added to either end and to the mid-point. If you drag the start or end point of the knife, effectively shortening or lengthening it, any other knives that are connected to the edited point will be automatically changed such that the connections are maintained. See the example drawings below, showing before and after.

If you drag the mid-point of the knife the whole knife will be moved. As before, any connected entities will also be edited such that the connections are maintained. See the example drawings below, showing before and after.


The edit bar changes to something like this:-

You should identify two knives. The first will be intersected with the second. If a positive overrun value has been entered then the entity will be extended by that amount beyond the intersection point. If a negative overrun value has been entered then the entity will be shortened by that amount.


The edit bar changes to something like this:-

Identify an existing knife from which an offset knife (or knives) will be created.

If the Double offset option is selected then an offset knife will be created on both sides of the identified one. If only one is required then the knife should be identified on the side that the new one should be. New knives will be offset by the specified distance.

Remove knife

Identify the knife to be removed.


Selecting this button from the edit bar will cause all scrap knives from the current hole to be removed.


Selecting this button from the edit bar will cause the scrap knives to be accepted.

The Rotary Scrap tool will restart after either Cancel or Ok have been selected. If there is now an existing hole containing scrap knives the edit bar will have some new options:-

Copy last hole

Select this option if you want to use the scrap knives that have just been created and place them into another shape within the drawing. Select the inside of the required hole, as before, and the scrap knives will be placed over that hole. You can now use the mirror and rotate controls on the edit bar to transform this copy of the knives.

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