Edit > Male Waste Components > Free 
This tool enables you to add a dynamic male waste component within the currently selected stripper area/region.
Edit bar controls
If this option is checked, then a preview of the dynamic stripping component is shown at the cursor as you move the mouse around the drawing before you click.
The option should be unchecked if you experience any performance issues, particularly on low specification machines.
If the current system settings define different Materials, then from the pulldown list select the material required; Impact will automatically attempt to select the correct material for you if the material variables for the layer are set.
From the pulldown list select the dynamic stripping component setting if you wish to override the default as defined in the current system settings.
If there is more than one component in the dynamic stripping component’s male component library, then from the pulldown list select the default component that should be used by the dynamic component setting if you wish to override the default as defined in the library.
Inside For Outside
If the current stripper area/region is an external/outside area, and if male waste has different default settings for insides and outsides in the system settings, then check this option to temporarily override the use of outside settings for this male waste and use insides instead. This is useful if dealing with perimeter profiles containing areas that should be stripped as if they were internal.
This option allows you to specify the rotation angle of the component being placed.
If the default component is of Claw type, then check this option if you wish to place the left hand component, or leave it unchecked if you wish to place the right hand component.
Centre or end; from the pulldown list select whether you wish to place the centre point or the end point of the component at the click point.
Override Settings
If this option is checked, then the component may be placed anywhere in the drawing without constraint. Otherwise, the tool will attempt to force the component to remain within the confines of the male waste area, using the offset distance defined in the system settings or male waste settings.
If the Override Settings option is unchecked, then this allows you to explicitly override the offset distance. If the currently selected stripper area/region has male waste settings defined upon it, then from the pulldown list select from Minimum, Slot or Standard as the offset distance you wish to use; otherwise, this allows you to explicitly override the Male waste component offset as defined in the system settings.
System Settings
You can make a temporary override to the System settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Stripper System Settings form.
You can make a temporary override to the area helper settings currently being used by the Stripper Creator by changing the values shown in the Area Helper form. A defined area can then be displayed on the cursor to help gauge the size of any components added.
If this option is checked, any editing of a selected component using the drag handles will allow changes to the angle of the component. Otherwise, the angle of the component remains fixed.
How to use the tool
Pick a point within the profile of the selected stripper area/region to add a new component.
Existing components and restrictions within a selected region will be marked with drag handles of different shapes. These can be edited in the same way as the Select tool, without the need to explicitly start that tool.
Edit > Male Waste Components > Male Knives > Add 
This tool enables you to add a male knife to the currently selected stripper area/region, if it has had male waste settings applied that define such components.
Edit bar controls
If the components defined in the male waste settings are Male Waste Components, then from the pulldown list select the component from the Male Component Library that should be used.
If the components defined in the male waste settings are not Male Waste Components, then enter the length of the male knife that should be used.
This option allows you to specify the rotation angle of the component being placed.
Centre or end; from the pulldown list select whether you wish to place the centre point or the end point of the component at the click point.
Override Settings
If this option is checked, then the component may be placed anywhere in the drawing without constraint. Otherwise, the tool will attempt to force the component to remain within the confines of the male waste area, using the offset distance defined in the male waste settings.
If the Override Settings option is unchecked, then this allows you to explicitly override the offset distance. From the pulldown list select from Minimum, Slot or Standard as the offset distance you wish to use.
How to use the tool
Pick a point within the profile of the selected stripper area/region to add a new component.
Edit > Male Waste Components > Male Knives > Add Line 
This tool enables you to add a line of male knives to the currently selected stripper area/region, if it has had male waste settings applied that define such components. The line of knives are added following the male waste settings for spacing and choice of component length.
Edit bar controls
Override Settings
If this option is checked, then the components may be placed anywhere in the drawing without constraint. Otherwise, the tool will attempt to force the component to remain within the confines of the male waste area, using the offset distance defined in the male waste settings.
If the Override Settings option is unchecked, then this allows you to explicitly override the offset distance. From the pulldown list select from Minimum, Slot or Standard as the offset distance you wish to use.
How to use the tool
Pick a point within the profile of the selected stripper area/region for the start of the line, and a second point for the end of the line. New components will be added along that line.
Edit > Male Waste Components > Male Knives > Add Fill 
This tool enables you to add a fill of male knives to the currently selected stripper area/region, if it has had male waste settings applied that define such components. The fill is made up of a set of parallel knives that are added at a specified spacing.
Edit bar controls
If the components defined in the male waste settings are Male Waste Components, then from the pulldown list select the component from the Male Component Library that should be used.
If the components defined in the male waste settings are not Male Waste Components, then enter the length of the male knife that should be used.
Enter the spacing between the parallel lines of knives.
Override Settings
If this option is checked, then the components may be placed anywhere in the drawing without constraint. Otherwise, the tool will attempt to force the component to remain within the confines of the male waste area, using the offset distance defined in the male waste settings.
If the Override Settings option is unchecked, then this allows you to explicitly override the offset distance. From the pulldown list select from Minimum, Slot or Standard as the offset distance you wish to use.
How to use the tool
Pick a point within the profile of the selected stripper area/region for the start of a line, and a second point for the end of a line. New components will be added along that line, perpendicular to it.
Edit > Male Waste Components > Male Knives > Offset
This tool enables you to offset from any visible male knife to add a new male knife in the currently selected stripper area/region, if it has had male waste settings applied that define such components.
Edit bar controls
Double offset
If this option is checked, male knives are added on both sides of the selected male knife.
This is the offset distance between the existing male knife and the new male knife
Override Settings
If this option is checked, then the component may be placed anywhere in the drawing without constraint. Otherwise, the tool will attempt to force the component to remain within the confines of the male waste area, using the offset distance defined in the male waste settings.
If the Override Settings option is unchecked, then this option allows you to explicitly override the offset distance. From the pulldown list select from Minimum, Slot or Standard as the offset distance you wish to use.
How to use the tool
Pick a point on the male knife to offset from, to the side the new entity is required if the double offset option is not checked. The new male knife/knives will be added.
Edit > Male Waste Components > Male Knives > Corner
This tool allows you to trim two male knives in the currently selected stripper area/region, if it has had male waste settings applied that define such components, to a corner point.
Pick a point on the first knife on the section to keep and then pick a point on the second knife on the section to keep.
Edit > Male Waste Components > Male Knives > Intersect
This tool allows you to intersect a male knife with an optional overrun with another male knife in the currently selected stripper area/region, if it has had male waste settings applied that define such components.
Edit bar controls
Set the Overrun on the edit bar, pick the male knife to trim or extend, then pick the male knife to extend to.
Edit > Male Waste Components > Stripping Pins > Add 
This tool enables you to add a stripping pin to the currently selected stripper area/region, if it has had male waste settings applied that define such components.
Edit bar controls
If the components defined in the male waste settings are Male Waste Components, then from the pulldown list select the component from the Male Component Library that should be used.
If the components defined in the male waste settings are not Male Waste Components, then enter the diameter of the stripping pin that should be used.
Centre or end; from the pulldown list select whether you wish to place the centre point or the end point of the component at the click point.
Override Settings
If this option is checked, then the component may be placed anywhere in the drawing without constraint. Otherwise, the tool will attempt to force the component to remain within the confines of the male waste area, using the offset distance defined in the male waste settings.
If the Override Settings option is unchecked, then this option allows you to explicitly override the offset distance. From the pulldown list select from Minimum, Slot or Standard as the offset distance you wish to use.
How to use the tool
Pick a point within the profile of the selected stripper area/region to add a new component.
Edit > Male Waste Components > Stripping Pins > Add Line 
This tool enables you to add a line of stripping pins to the currently selected stripper area/region, if it has had male waste settings applied that define such components. The line of stripping pins are added with a specified spacing.
Edit bar controls
If the components defined in the male waste settings are Male Waste Components, then from the pulldown list select the component from the Male Component Library that should be used.
If the components defined in the male waste settings are not Male Waste Components, then enter the diameter of the stripping pin that should be used.
Override Settings
If this option is checked, then the components may be placed anywhere in the drawing without constraint. Otherwise, the tool will attempt to force the component to remain within the confines of the male waste area, using the offset distance defined in the male waste settings.
If the Override Settings option is checked, enter the minimum spacing between the stripping pins. Otherwise, the stripping pins are added following the male waste settings for spacing.
If the Override Settings option is unchecked, then this option allows you to explicitly override the offset distance. From the pulldown list select from Minimum, Slot or Standard as the offset distance you wish to use.
How to use the tool
Pick a point within the profile of the selected stripper area/region for the start of the line, and a second point for the end of the line. New components will be added along that line.
Edit > Male Waste Components > Claws > Add 
This tool enables you to add a claw to the currently selected stripper area/region, if it has had male waste settings applied that define such components.
Edit bar controls
From the pulldown list select the component from the Male Component Library that should be used.
Centre or end; from the pulldown list select whether you wish to place the centre point or the end point of the component at the click point.
Override Settings
If this option is checked, then the component may be placed anywhere in the drawing without constraint. Otherwise, the tool will attempt to force the component to remain within the confines of the male waste area, using the offset distance defined in the male waste settings.
If the Override Settings option is unchecked, then this option allows you to explicitly override the offset distance. From the pulldown list select from Minimum, Slot or Standard as the offset distance you wish to use.
How to use the tool
Pick a point within the profile of the selected stripper area/region to add a new component.
Edit > Male Waste Components > Claws > Add Line 
This tool enables you to add a line of claws to the currently selected stripper area/region, if it has had male waste settings applied that define such components. The line of claws are added following the male waste settings for spacing and choice of component size.
Edit bar controls
Override Settings
If this option is checked, then the components may be placed anywhere in the drawing without constraint. Otherwise, the tool will attempt to force the component to remain within the confines of the male waste area, using the offset distance defined in the male waste settings.
If the Override Settings option is unchecked, then this allows you to explicitly override the offset distance. From the pulldown list select from Minimum, Slot or Standard as the offset distance you wish to use.
How to use the tool
Pick a point within the profile of the selected stripper area/region for the start of the line, and a second point for the end of the line. New components will be added along that line.
Edit > Male Waste Components > Claws > Add Fill 
This tool enables you to add a fill of claws to the currently selected stripper area/region, if it has had male waste settings applied that define such components. The fill is made up of a set of parallel claws that are added at a specified spacing.
Edit bar controls
From the pulldown list select the component from the Male Component Library that should be used.
Check this option if you wish to place the left hand component, or leave it unchecked if you wish to place the right hand component.
Enter the spacing between the parallel lines of claws.
Override Settings
If this option is checked, then the components may be placed anywhere in the drawing without constraint. Otherwise, the tool will attempt to force the component to remain within the confines of the male waste area, using the offset distance defined in the male waste settings.
If the Override Settings option is unchecked, then this allows you to explicitly override the offset distance. From the pulldown list select from Minimum, Slot or Standard as the offset distance you wish to use.
How to use the tool
Pick a point within the profile of the selected stripper area/region for the start of a line, and a second point for the end of a line. New components will be added along that line, perpendicular to it.
Edit > Male Waste Components > Edit
This tool enables you to edit male waste components.
Existing components and restrictions within a selected region will be marked with drag handles of different shapes. These can be edited in the same way as the Select tool, without the need to explicitly start that tool.
Edit > Male Waste Components > Remove
This tool enables you to remove male waste components from the selected stripper area/region.
The components will be marked with drag handles. Select a component to remove it.