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This sub-tool can be used to copy a complete part. It can be used to copy a Lower part or an Upper inner part.

Edit bar controls

Auto copy

Switching this option on adds a listbox to the edit bar with two options:

  • All one-ups – this will copy the upper or lower part to all the other one-ups (this option is only available if there is currently one upper or lower part)
  • Select one-ups – with this option you select the one-ups to which the selected upper or lower part should be copied

In either case, you must first identify the one-up associated with the selected upper or lower part. With the Auto copy option switched off there is an edit bar button that allows you to rotate the copied geometry by 180 degrees.


You can create linked copies by selecting this option. Any edits that are made to a component will also be reflected in all linked components.

Once you have some linked components the context menu will have a new option; Unlink. You can then select a component to unlink from the others.

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