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Edit Profile

  This tool allows you to add and change profile rubber entities.


The Edit Bar controls will display the following options when the tool starts, depending on the current Mode:

 Profile Rubber - The current tool.

Mode - Pull down list of available Profile rubber editing modes.

Add Profile Rubber - To add rubber to one side of an entity, click the entity, to the side the new entity is required. To add rubber geometry to both sides of an entity, click on the entity. The profile rubber will be added between the picked entity's start and end points, or the point at which another entity intersects with it. The rubber will offset from the picked entity and intersecting entities by half their palette width. The settings could specify additional offsets for cut and crease type entities and minimum angles for the profile rubber.

Edit Rubber Entity - This mode allows you to change the end conditions of an existing entity. Pick the profile rubber to edit, this will open the Edit Profile Rubber Entity form. A green marker will be displayed indicating the start point and a red marker indicating the end point of the entity.

Corner Rubber Entities - This mode allows you to corner two profile rubber entities to their intersection point. Pick close to the end of the first entity and then close to the end of the second entity. The two entities will then be intersected bisecting the angle between the entities.

Delete Profile Rubber - This mode allows you to delete an single profile entity by picking any point on the entity to delete.

Add Straight Profile Rubber - This mode allows you to add a profile rubber entity of a specified size by picking two points on an entity (or two collinear entities). The two points will be joined by a pair of rubber entities.

Copy Rubber Ends - This mode allows you to copy the end offsets and angles from one profile rubber entity to another. First pick the entity from which the entities are to be copied followed by the entity you wish to change.

Set Rubber Type - This mode allows you to change the rubber type of a profile rubber entity. Select the required entity and its type will be changed to the current one in the rubber type list.

Rubber type - Pull down list of available Profile rubber (type) palettes to change into. Profile Rubber (type) palettes are defined in the Master Template, please see this example setting of Profile Rubber Palette Attributes.

Automatic corners - This is only a valid option for the Add Profile Rubber mode. If the adjoining entity has a profile rubber entity relative to it, the tool will trim or extend the profile rubbers to their corner point.

  Auto infer - Same name block replication can be enabled, i.e. do this edit only for the block you pick or all blocks with the same name as the one you pick. The Auto infer option is modal, i.e other Rubber Edit tools will have the replication option set as it was used last time by any tool in this group.

Both Sides - This is only a valid option for the Add Straight Profile Rubber mode. When it is switched on Profile Rubber will be added to both sides of the identified line, otherwise it will only be added to the side of the entity that you identify.

OK - Close the tool and save all edits made since starting the Edit tool.

Cancel - Close the tool and discard all edits made since starting the Edit tool.

To use: Set the Edit Bar options and pick a rubber block to change with the mouse.

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