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Animation Properties

  Edit Bar controls: none.

This tool sets the Properties for the current animation, in terms of overall frames, frame rate (or fps) in frames/sec or overall duration

Length - allows you to specify the total number of animation frames.

Duration - allows you to specify the duration of the animation when it is played back directly, in terms of overall Duration or a number of Frames/Sec.

NOTE: A 500-frame animation, playing at 25 Frames/sec will give a duration of 20 seconds.

A 500-frame animation with a duration of 40 seconds would give a frame-rate of 12 Frames/sec.

15 Frames/sec may be considered the minimum frame-rate for a smooth output to the *.avi file format.

Higher frame-rates will result in a smoother animation, at the expense of rendering time & file size.

Related topics: Notes On 3D Tools, Animation Editor, Video Production Wizard.

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