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This tool opens the Impact Browser, from which you can manage your projects, symbols and templates.

Operations you can perform from within the Impact Browser include:

  • view projects either by project group or by customer
  • open projects, either from the central area or from your working projects area
  • release projects from your working area
  • print projects or create reports
  • view database information for projects and layers
  • view the revision history of any project or layer
  • view other users' working projects, if you are an administrator
  • open symbols or templates
  • rename or delete projects, symbols or templates
  • create, rename or delete groups (of projects, symbols or templates)
  • use Find to perform a quick search of projects, symbols or templates
  • use Advanced Find to perform complex database queries
  • import groups of projects, symbols or templates via database transfer files
  • make connections to other Impact databases

Related topics: Impact Browser - Common Operations.

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