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This tool allows you to undo a sequence of functions previously used.

This tool will reverse the effect of the last function you performed in the drawing. If you continue to select Edit>Undo, previous functions you performed will be erased in reverse order to that in which they were used. Listed under the Edit>Undo menu are all the functions that can be undone, by clicking onto one of these, several functions can be erased as with Undo History.

If you have not performed any other operations after the Undo tool has been used, it is possible to use the Edit>Redo function to restore any of the operations you have undone.

Undo Limitations

Some operations cannot be undone. If the Undo tool does not support a particular tool you have used, the Undo tool (and Undo History) appears greyed out on the Edit menu. This means that by using one of these tools, you lose the ability to undo or redo all your previous operations.

Tools which cannot be undone include:

  • Running any macro
  • Using many of the Options tools
  • Using many of the Database tools
  • Opening, closing, saving and creating new drawings
  • Creating or deleting layers

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