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Select Lasso

Edit Bar controls: Command, Add, Subtract, Retain, Group select always

This tool allows you to select entities by either picking them individually or by drawing an irregular polygon around them.

You can either pick directly on a single entity or, if you pick away from any entities, this is taken to be the start of the polygon. If the Group select always option is switched on then you will always need to specify a polygon.

You can click and hold the mouse button down to draw the polygon freehand. Alternatively, if you click and release, the rubber band cursor is started, allowing you to draw straight lines. You then need to close the polygon by clicking near to the start point of the polygon.

If you draw the polygon in a clockwise direction, all entities enclosed or intersected by the polygon will be included in the selection set. (Similar to Select > Box). If you draw it in a counter-clockwise direction, only entities that are fully enclosed will be included in the selection set. (Similar to Select > Window).

You can modify the operation of this and most other selection tools with the Shift and Control keyboard keys. You can also make use of saved Select Expressions via the Command, Add, Subtract and Retain edit bar controls.

WARNING: If the selection polygon is allowed to cross over itself, but this may produce odd results.

Related topics: Selecting Entities

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