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Select By Example

This tool allows you to select entities having similar properties, by picking one such entity (such as a line, an arc, a text entity or a symbol). Once the tool has been activated, Edit Bar options are displayed, which allow you to make an enhanced selection.

Filter by length - specify a tolerance which allows lines with length greater than/less than the picked line to be selected. The same behaviour applies to arcs or Beziers.

Filter by radius - specify a tolerance which allows arcs with a radius greater than/less than the picked arc to be selected.

Filter by sweep - specify a tolerance which allows arcs with a sweep greater then/less than the picked arc to be selected.

Filter by palette - if enabled, only entities matching the palette of the picked entity will be selected. 

Run the tool, set the Edit Bar options as required and click an entity. All entities within the current block and matching the specified criteria will be selected.

TIP: The Edit Bar overrides for length, radius, sweep & palette will be persisted.

Example usage

To select all arcs in the current block, run the tool, clear all of the check-boxes on the Edit Bar, and pick any arc entity. 

To select all arcs which have approximately a 90 degree sweep, run the tool, ensure only Filter By Sweep is enabled, enter a Sweep Tolerance of say 1 degree, and pick one arc entity that you want. Any arc having a similar sweep angle (plus or minus one degree) will be selected. 

To select all symbols in the current block, simply pick any symbol. None of the filters apply to symbols, so it does not matter whether or not the check-boxes are ticked. 

Related topics: Selecting Entities

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