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Rectangular Array

Edit Bar controls: Interactive, X, Y, Mode, Number In X, Number In Y, Selection, Apply.

This tool is used to copy and position selected entities in a regular pattern.

Before activating the tool, select the entities to be transformed. Alternatively, if you start the tool without any selected entities you will be first asked to identify a single entity to be transformed.

The outcome of whether the transformed entities are selected or not is determined by the Selection option. Select New, Select None, Select Original, Select All and Select Last.

If you wish the entities to be offset by a specified distance, switch off the Interactive option, enter the X and Y distances and press the Apply button. 

If you want to position the transformed entities manually, use the Interactive option and pick a start point followed by an end point to define the translation.

The tool does not check for any overlap of entities so it is up to you to calculate the correct offsets.

The Mode option controls the way in which the new entities will be ordered:

  • Along in X - the sequence of entities will be such that every row goes from left to right, starting at the bottom left hand corner.
  • Against in X - the rows of entities alternate in direction, the first row being from left to right, starting at the bottom left hand corner.
  • Along in Y - the sequence of entities will be such that each column goes from bottom to top, starting at the bottom left hand corner.
  • Against in Y - the columns of entities alternate in direction, the first column being from bottom to top, starting at the bottom left hand corner.

This option is particularly useful when planning to optimise the plotter’s movement so that it does not have to move back to the left hand side of the sheet for every row of entities.

Enter the number of copies in each direction in Number in X and Number In Y. These values can be adjusted interactively using the keyboard arrow keys. Use the Left/Right keys to Nudge the Number in X and the Up/Down keys to Nudge the Number in Y.

In Interactive mode pick the two points, otherwise press the Apply button to copy and translate the selected entities.

Related topics: Selecting, Edit - Transform - Move

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