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Bezier Pen

 This tool creates a series of joined Bezier entities, each one being tangential to the previous. It is similar to the Bezier tool, except that it gives greater control to adjust the shape as you are going along.

Click the first point, then click-and-drag subsequent points (or just click to create straight segments) and finish with a click. During the dragging action, you are positioning the "handlebars" (a straight line with a marker at either end), which adjusts the direction of the curve at the point you have just chosen. 

On finishing the tool, the segments are used to generate Bezier entities (or optionally line entities, for straight segments). 

The Edit Bar options are as follows: 

Rewind – to “undo” the last operation of the tool.

Forward – to “redo” the next operation of the tool (if there is one).

Lines – causes straight segments to generate line entities, when the tool is finishing.

Node markers are drawn at the ends of each segment – these can be repositioned with a click-and-drag (but only when “handlebars” are not displayed). Similarly the “handlebars” can be displayed by clicking on a node – the bars can then be repositioned by click-and-dragging on the bar ends.

Right-click on any node marker for the following functions:

  • Asymmetric Node – makes the “handlebars” move independently (different lengths, opposite direction). 
  • Symmetric Node – makes the “handlebars” move together (same length, opposite direction). 
  • Cusp Node – makes the “handlebars” move independently (different lengths, different directions). 
  • Node To Lines – makes the “handlebars” zero length, “flattening” the curves either side of the node. 
  • Line Before – “flattens” the segment before the node. 
  • Line After – “flattens” the segment after the node.
  • Curve Before – “unflattens” the segment before the node.
  • Curve After  – “unflattens” the segment after the node.
  • Path End - if you click on the first marker, there is an additional item which closes the path, creating a full lop of entities.

Related topics: Notes On Draw Tools, Beziers

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