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Visibility Toggles

The visibility toggles provide a way to quickly alter the visibility of certain entity types and attributes within Impact. You will see a list like this:-

You can click on one of the entries to toggle its setting, or use one of the hot-keys. These are configured in Options > Environment > Keyboard.

Tools described in this section:

> Lines
> Arcs
> Beziers
> Text
> Dimensions
> Dimension Expressions
> Symbols
> Report Drawing Areas
> Graphics
> Insert Origins
> Construction
> All Bridges
> Line Bridges
> Arc Bridges
> Bezier Bridges
> Sheet
> Direction Arrows
> Grid
> Non-current Special
> Sub-block Text
> Sub-block Dimension
> Origin
> Extents Rectangle
> Secondary Palette
> Key Points
> Sausage
> Manufacturing Info
> Palette Text
> Tool Widths
> Fillet Relief

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