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Draw Sample Nicks

  Edit Bar controls: Mode, Symbol, Offset, Number, Spacing, Double Placement, Offset, Auto Infer, Both Ends, Apply, Use Marquee.

This tool allows you to add nick symbols at specified points on entities to create small gaps when post-processed to a sample maker and thereby emulate the nicks for tear-offs and punch-through geometry without making actual gaps in the original design. The symbols loaded by the tool are defined in Database Operation, Symbols: Nick symbol group. The insertion point for each nick is the origin point of the symbol.

The post-processed gap is controlled by the actual name of the Nick symbol, e.g. a symbol named "Nick 0.3mm" will create a 0.3mm gap when post-processed. Multiple Nicks of different names can be combined on the same entity to create a variety of different gaps. The symbol name gap distance is regional setting sensitive. For regions using other settings than decimal points, the name of the symbol must be changed to reflect this, e.g. from "Nick 0.3mm" to "Nick 0,3mm" if a decimal comma is used for the Windows locale setting.

For the operation of the Sample Nick, the geometry content of the symbol is less important than the name. The geometry of the actual symbol can, in other words, be one or more lines with some text indicating the position. This will all be ignored (except for the name and the position) when post-processing. It will, however, be used when exporting.


At line ends - add Nicks symbols at end to end points of entities, for example cut/crease lines.

Distribute from ends - allows you to add multiple nicks, specifying an initial offset spacing then specifying either a number of nicks to place or a separation between the nicks.

Offset from end - add Nick symbols offset from the end point of a chosen entity.

Offset from entity - add Nick symbols parallel to an entity offset from the end point.

On construction - add Nicks symbols about the intersection point of construction entities with all visible entities.

On Selected - add Nick symbols about the intersection point of any selected entities with a cut type entity.

Remove nicks - allows you to remove a specified Nick symbol only by selecting the area.

Snapped point - add Nick symbols about any snapped point.

Depending on the mode chosen the edit bar will have different controls, as described below.

At line ends

Symbol - from the pulldown list select a Nick symbol.

Auto infer - if checked then the Nick symbols will be added to any entities of the same configuration of blocks as the chosen entities.

Select Edit bar options, pick a point along the path of end to end lines. The Nick symbol will be added at all end to end points.

Distribute from ends

Symbol - from the pulldown list select a Nick symbol.

Offset - the distance from the end of the picked entity, to the first Nick symbol. This distance is applied to both ends of the entity.

Mode - the Number mode allows you to specify the number of Nick symbols to place (between the first & last Nick symbol), whilst the Separation mode allows you to specify the spacing between the Nick symbols.

Double Placement - if checked, two Nick symbols will be placed for every one specified in the Number option. The position of each single Nick symbol will be the centre of the double placed Nick symbols.

Auto Infer - if checked then the Nicks symbols will be added to any entities of the same configuration of blocks as the chosen entities.

Select Edit Bar options, pick an entity to apply the Nick symbols to.

Offset from end

Symbol - from the pulldown list select a Nick symbol.

Both ends - determines if the group of Nick symbols will be added to both ends of the picked entity of to the end of the entity picked.

Offset - distance from the end of the entity to the centre of the group of Nick symbols.

Number - number of Nick symbols placed about the centre of the first offset.

Spacing - distance between Nick symbols.

Double placement - if checked, two Nick symbols will be placed for every one specified in the Number option. The position of each single Nick symbol will be the centre of the double placed Nick symbols.

Offset - distance between the double placed nicks.

Auto infer - if checked then the Nick symbols will be added to any entities of the same configuration of blocks as the chosen entities.

Select Edit bar options. If Both ends is checked, pick a point on the entity to apply Nick symbols to. If Both ends is not checked, pick a point on the entity offset to the end the Nick symbols are required.

Offset from entity

Symbol - from the pulldown list select a Nick symbol.

Distance - perpendicular distance from the end of the entity to the centre of the group of Nick symbols.

Number - number of Nick symbols placed about the centre of the first offset.

Spacing - distance between Nick symbols.

Select Edit bar options. Then pick the entity offset to the end and to the side the Nick symbols are required.

On construction

Symbol - from the pulldown list select a Nick symbol.

Use marquee - checking this option allows you to add Nick symbols within the Select marquee area only. To create the marquee use the Select Marquee tool.

Number - number of Nick symbols placed about the centre of the first offset.

Spacing - distance between Nick symbols.

Add construction lines. If you require the Nick symbols to be applied to a selected area, add the marquee area. Run the Nick tool and select Edit bar options. 

Check the option Use marquee if required. Set the palette visibility to create the required intersection points for the Nick symbols and press Apply to add the Nicks.

On selected

Edit bar options as On construction.

Select entities that create intersection points with any cut type entities at which points the Nick symbols are to be applied. Then press Apply to add the Nicks.

Remove nicks

Symbol - from the pulldown list select a Nick symbol.

From the Symbol pulldown list chose the Nick symbol to be deleted, then identify the area in which the chosen symbol will be deleted by identifying one corner of the box and the opposite diagonal corner.

Snapped point

Symbol - from the pulldown list select a Nick symbol.

Number - number of Nick symbols about the centre of the first offset.

Spacing - distance between Nick symbols

Double placement - if checked, two Nick symbols will be placed for every one specified in the Number option. The position of each single Nick symbol will be the centre of the double placed Nick symbols.

Offset - distance between the double placed Nick symbols

Auto infer - if checked, then the Nick symbols will be added to any entities of the same configuration of blocks as the chosen entities.

Select Edit bar options. Choose snap mode required. Identify the centre point of the group of Nick symbols by snapping the point on the enquired entity.

NOTE: The operation of this tool (in the sense of how the Nicks are placed and where the Nick symbols are stored) is the same as the Flatbed Dieboard - Nicks and Rotary Dieboard - Nicks tools.

Related Topics: Snap tools, Selection tools.

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