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Pan Box

  Edit Bar options: none.

This tool allows you to use the current zoom factor to pan about the drawing, without using the Pan & Zoom Standard Toolbox or using the View Extents tool to view the entire drawing layer, prior to panning. 

The tool temporarily zooms to the drawing extents, presenting a pan box (representing the previous zoom factor) on the cursor. Simply click on the drawing to view a specific region, using the previous zoom factor.

The scroll wheel on the mouse has special functions whilst running this tool.

  • Scroll the wheel - This will scroll the drawing up and down
  • Shift key - Scroll the wheel - This will scroll the drawing left and right
  • Ctrl key - Scroll the wheel - This will zoom in and out of the current drawing window

NOTE: The tool is intended to be used after one of the view/zoom tools such as Zoom Box, Pan & Zoom, Zoom Previous, Zoom Next, as opposed to a tool such as Extents or Zoom to Actual.

Related topics: Notes On View Tools

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