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Parametrics Editor

This tool is a fully functioning interface to help guide you along the Parametric construction process. Offering functionality from the addition of variables to checking relationships between geometry, it's truly an invaluable tool. To access this tool go to Utilities>Parametrics>Parametrics Editor.

Here is an example of the Parametric Model Editor form.

Menus described in this section:


Throughout this tool the right click context menu brings up the following options:-

Edit - Restart the Edit tool
Delete Dimension - Start the Delete Dimension tool
Associate Variables - Start the Associate Variables tool
Conditional Entities - Start the Conditional Entities tool
View - Opens the View settings menu
Snap - Opens the Snap settings menu

Depending on the sub-tool you are using there could be other options as well.

When starting the tool if you see the message 'A scalable model could not be generated due to bad geometric data' this means the drawing contains lines without two unique end points (i.e. zero length) or Beziers without four unique control points.

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