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This page describes the various View tools that are available within the Stripper tool.

All of the usual tools, such as Repaint All, Pan & Zoom, Zoom Box etc. are available together with the following:-

View > Visibility > Dieboard Extras

If this option is checked, all the geometry that is in the original drawing which has a palette which is not of cut, crease or strip knife type, and is not a nick, is made visible. Otherwise, it is hidden.

View > Visibility > Dieboard

If this option is checked, all the geometry that is in the original drawing which has a palette which is of cut, crease or strip knife type, and is not a nick, is made visible. Otherwise, it is hidden.

View > Visibility > Nicks

If this option is checked, all the nicks that were in the original drawing (but not in a sub-block), or any that have been added in the Stripper Creator are made visible. Otherwise, they are hidden.

Nicks symbols are defined in Options > Environment > Database Operation > Symbols

View > Visibility > Male

If this option is checked, all the geometry that has been added by the Stripper Creator to the male unit, is made visible. Otherwise, it is hidden.

View > Visibility > Female

If this option is checked, all the geometry that has been added by the Stripper Creator to the female unit, is made visible. Otherwise, it is hidden.

View > Visibility > Front Edge Upper

If this option is checked, all the geometry that has been added by the Stripper Creator to the front edge upper unit, is made visible. Otherwise, it is hidden.

View > Visibility > Front Edge Lower

If this option is checked, all the geometry that has been added by the Stripper Creator to the front edge lower unit, is made visible. Otherwise, it is hidden.

View > Visibility > Default Claw Offsets

If this option is checked, then offset lines will be displayed around the ends of Male Waste Components in the Stripper Creator to aid in their placement (particularly for claws). The offset shown is the Male Waste Component Offset.

The colour of the construction lines is defined in Options > Environment > Colours > Stripper – offset/construction

View > Visibility > Construction Lines

If this option is checked, then offset/construction lines will be displayed in the Stripper Creator for each stripper area/region. The offset profile displayed will be that currently defined for the stripper area/region. If it has Male Waste Settings defined upon it, then the Minimum, Slot or Standard offset distance will be used, as last set. Otherwise, the Male Waste Component offset will be used.

The colour of the construction lines is defined in Options > Environment > Colours > Stripper – offset/construction

The option should be unchecked if you experience any performance issues, particularly on low specification machines.

View > Visibility > Slots

If this option is checked, then any area which has been automatically detected to be a slot by the Male Waste Settings defined, or forced to be a slot using the Add Forced Slot tool, will be displayed in the Stripper Creator as a coloured filled area.

The colour is defined in Options > Environment > Colours > Stripper – slots, but is teal by default.

The option should be unchecked if you experience any performance issues, particularly on low specification machines.

View > Visibility > Clashes

If this option is checked, then any collision/clash between two Male Waste Components, or a Male Waste Component and the profile, will be displayed in the Stripper Creator as a coloured filled area.

The colour is defined in Options > Environment > Colours > Stripper – component collisions, but is red by default.

The option should be unchecked if you experience any performance issues, particularly on low specification machines.

View > Visibility > Completion

It this option is checked, then the Stripper Creator will attempt to show any area of the drawing which is complete, that is not requiring of being stripped (either because it is a design area, or is an area for which a stripping region has already been created), as a filled area.

Designs are shown using the colour defined in Options > Environment > Colours > Drawing > Design Fill. Stripped areas are shown either using the colour defined in Options > Environment > Colours > Stripper – completed waste areas (which defaults to green) or Stripper – completed waste areas (with warnings) (which defaults to amber), depending on whether there are unresolved warnings generated for the area.

Unfilled areas then give a visual indication of areas that have not been stripped.

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