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The visibility of different sections of the layer can be controlled using the View > Visibility menu:

It can also be controlled using the Visibility tool bar:

The One-ups setting toggles the visibility of the following palette types:-

  • Cut
  • Crease
  • Cut-Crease
  • Perforation
  • Score
  • Reverse Crease
  • Reverse Score

The Dieboard setting toggles all other palettes and symbols in the source (dieboard) layer.

The other settings toggle the visibility of the geometry that has been added in the Blanker tool.

The Completion button toggles the visibility of solid fill areas. You can configure the fill area colours in the Environment settings. The relevant colours in this situation are Bar completion, Female completion, Male completion and Upper completion.

The Collisions button toggles the visibility of two more fill area colours showing where two different shapes overlap. These colours represent the following:-

  • Contact - this is an area where bars make contact with the carton; in many cases this is acceptable
  • Collision - this is where bars collide with uppers or where uppers clash with the female inner shape; this is never acceptable

The Contact distance on the edit bar can be used to give some tolerance to the Contact warning area.

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