Impact 2024 now released, bringing with it a host of new features. Details here.

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Automatic Block Generation

This form is opened when you select the Rule Preparation Automatic sub-tool.

Auto-block Generation

Use Layer

From the drop-down list choose the layer that contains the entities from which the rule preparation blocks will be created.

Extra reduction

Specify the extra reduction that will be applied to all end condition reductions. End conditions are automatically calculated using entities that the newly created rule preparation block intersects with.

Horizontal Crease Priority

Where two or more entities intersect, some of the entities will require a reduction on the end conditions to prevent them clashing with the other entities. If this option is switched on then horizontal entities will not be reduced, but non-horizontal entities will be reduced. The drawing, below, shows an example of each.

Create Only One Instance of Each Block

If the same Rule Preparation Block has been inserted several times, then switching this option on causes all the extra insertions to be removed and the reference count of the remaining one is set to the appropriate value.


The list of available palettes contains all the palettes that are used in the chosen layer. You should select the palettes from which rule preparation blocks are to be made and move these across to the right hand column.

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