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Pan & Zoom

  Edit Bar controls: X, Y, Z, X Offset, Y Offset, Z Offset, Apply

This tool allows you to pan the camera about the 3D scene (X & Y-axes) and to also zoom in/out of the 3D scene (Z-axis).

Run the tool and enable the required axes (X, Y and Z) on the Edit Bar. To zoom in/out of the 3D scene, the Z-axis must be enabled and the Shift key depressed.

Simply click and drag to move the camera.

If required, you can pan/zoom the camera by specific distances. Enter the required values into the X, Y & Z-Offset fields and click the Apply button to pan/zoom the camera.

Right-mouse click and select Cancel 3D Camera Pan and Zoom to cancel the tool.

Related topics: Notes On 3D Tools.

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