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Edit Origin

Edit Bar controls: X, Y, Z, Reset All, X Offset, Y Offset, Z Offset, Apply.

This tool allows you to move the 3D origin of a 3D object (folding model, mesh object, camera or light source). 

Ensure that the 3D Visibility options are configured to display the 3D Origin (ensure that the Show Axis Controls option is checked).

Select an object and run the tool. You can hover over an axis to highlight it and then click & drag to move the origin.

If no object has been selected, clicking on an object will select it. You can then hover over an axis (to highlight it) and then click & drag to move the origin.

To move the origin by a specific distance, enable the required axes on the Edit Bar, enter the required distances and click Apply.

It may be beneficial to use a snap mode for accurate placement.

Right-mouse click and select Cancel 3D Object Edit Origin to cancel the tool.

Related topics: Notes On 3D Tools, Visibility.

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