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Align Faces

Edit Bar controls: Face Separation, Flip, Rewind.

This is a legacy tool, which means it is only available if you have switched on the Legacy option on the Environments > Environments page, and is due to be removed from Impact in the near future.

This tool allows you to align the faces of folding models within a 3D scene.

Face Separation - allows you to define the separation between the two faces.

Flip - will rotate the object to be aligned through 180 degrees.

Rewind - allows you to undo each stage of the tool.

Run the tool and select the base face to place on another object. Then select the edges to be aligned and lastly select the 'from' point for positioning (snap modes can be applied at this point).

The Flip button can be applied at any stage of the alignment process, the Rewind button can also be similarly applied.

Right-mouse click and select Cancel 3D Object Align Faces to cancel the tool.

Related topics: Notes On 3D Tools, Edit - Align - Points.

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