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Add Fixed Line Angle

 Edit Bar controls: Apply angle from horizontal axis, Small angle

This tool is used to apply a fixed angle between two lines.

Apply angle from horizontal axis - If this option is switched on only one line needs to be identified as the first line is assumed to be the horizontal axis.

Small angle - If this option is switched on the smaller of the two possible angles is used.

To use the tool, depending on the edit bar options, identify either a single line or a pair of lines followed by the sector between the lines to define the angle. This will bring up the Fixed Value form:

At this point, you can either enter a numeric value or a variable, such as =ANG, in which case the Variable Properties form will be opened:

Here, you can enter a suitable Prompt and a value or an Expression.

Once the constraint has been added, the angle between the lines cannot be altered.

This screenshot shows an example where Small angle is switched on:

The same example is shown here where Small angle is switched off:

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