Impact 2024 now released, bringing with it a host of new features. Details here.

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Save Template As

Save Template As

From the tree-list choose the required group folder location in which to save the template.


Enter the unique reference for this template. If you try to use a reference which has already been used for another drawing, you will be asked to choose another reference.


Enter an optional description for this template.

This form may be customised via Save As Options, so the fields which appear may be different to those listed above.

Your system administrator can configure group folders using the Project Browser.

Additional options for templates are:

Create as parametric template

This option is normally used with a template containing a design, dimensions and global variables, ready to use with the parametric tools. When a new project is created from a parametric template, the Utilities - Parametrics - Redimension tool will start automatically.

Once the Template is saved, a copy is stored in the central database. Templates are not saved in your working projects area. The template may close after the Save As, dependent upon your Database Operation settings.

Related topics: Impact Options - Database Installation, Impact Options - Database Operation

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