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Select Path

Edit Bar controls: Interactive, Use max number of entities, Use max length, Use max number of bends, Rewind, Add, Subtract, Retain, Direction, Include Blocks

This tool allows you to select entities along a specified path. It works in exactly the same way as the Path finder tool.

Interactive - Switching this mode on has several effects:

  • Infer direction - instead of clicking once to select the start entity and then again to select the direction, simply click once on the start entity and the direction will be inferred to be away from the end of the entity clicked closest to.
  • Auto-accept - when the path reaches its finish condition (as defined below) it will be automatically accepted.
  • Path finish conditions - you can specify which finish conditions to use; either Max number of entities, Max length or Max number of bends.

Use max number of entities - in Interactive mode switch this option on if you want the path to stop once it contains the specified number of entities.

Use max length - in interactive mode switch this option on if you want the path to stop once it reaches the specified length.

Use max number of bends - in interactive mode switch this option on if you want the path to stop once it contains the specified number of bends. You can also specify a bend threshold value, so that small bends can be ignored.

If you are not using Interactive mode define the path by specifying the start entity, start direction, destination entity and, if the Direction is set to User's Choice, the direction at each junction. Otherwise just pick the start entity towards the appropriate end. This will display the path in the Entity Path colour. Then press:

Add to select the entities, keeping selected any other previously selected entities

Subtract to deselect the entities, again keeping selected any other previously selected entities

Retain to deselect all other entities not on the path, but keep those on the path unchanged

Note that although the path may sometimes partially include some entities, the whole of each entity is affected (selected or deselected). The operation does not cause the entities to be split.

Stick to palette - when this option is checked the path ignores junctions with any entities that use a palette that differs from the palette of the start entity.

Switch the Include blocks option on if you want to select block insertions whose entities are part of the chosen path.

Related topics: Selecting, Path finder

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