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Create Common Knife Block

This tool is used to determine where entities overlap in a layout, creating a new block containing copies of the overlapping entities.

Before running the tool the current block must be the drawing layer itself, you must not be within a sub-block. On activating the tool, the Common Knife Options form appears.

Once the options have been set pressing OK will then check the layer for overlapping lines and if overlapping common knife lines are found these will be added to a new block.

If a common knife block already exists then you will be asked if you want to replace this block with the options selected or cancel the tool.

The original overlapping lines in the layout are flagged as being common knife lines and will not be output, the original entities within any one up designs are not changed and can still be output from the one up layers. The flagged entities may become invisible, this is controlled by the view visibility option in Geometry Appearance, common knives option. Any common knife entities within any layer inserts are flagged relative to the each layout layer, therefore a layer insert can have different flagged entities relative to different layers.

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