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Edit Bar controls: Interactive, Chamfer Mode, Length1, Length2, Chamfer Distance, Chamfer Size, Use original palette, From intersection, Leave Original.

This tool allows you to trim or extend two entities to a corner and to square off the corner with a line, using dimensions which can be specified in a number of ways. The entities must be lines, arcs, circles or Beziers.

If you switch off the Leave Original option and there is a fillet, corner or chamfer in that position already, the new chamfer will replace what was there previously. If you have this option switched on, the chamfer will be added to the drawing together with what was there previously. If you hold the Shift key down whilst selecting the entities then the Leave Original option will be forced on.

If you activate the Use original palette check box, the chamfer will be drawn in the same palette as the first entity you pick. This is useful if you have changed palette since you drew the entity you are chamfering. If the check box is not activated, the chamfer will be drawn in the current palette.

Select the method to be used from the Chamfer Mode pull-down list box:

  • Default
  • Fixed Offset
  • Fixed Size

The other text boxes appearing on the Edit Bar depend on the method chosen, as follows.

If the method is Default, enter the length by which the first entity is to be cut back in Length1 and the length by which the second entity is to be cut back in Length2.

You can either enter the two lengths on the edit bar or use the Nudge keys to adjust them interactively.

If the method is Fixed Offset, both entities are cut back by the same length, such that the perpendicular distance from the chamfer line to the intersection is that specified by Chamfer Distance.

If the method is Fixed Size, enter the length of the new chamfer line in Chamfer Size. Both entities are cut back by the same length, determined by this value.

Pick the two entities. As detailed for the Trim Corner tool, be careful to make the picks close to the intersection at which you wish the chamfer to be created. If you have selected the Default method, the order that you pick the entities is important.

A line is created, joining the chosen entities. The entities are trimmed back, or extended, to this line.

If the Interactive option is selected then the edit bar will not display the Length, Distance or Size controls. After selecting the two entities a chamfer line cursor will be displayed that you can drag to the required size and position.

If the From intersection option is selected then you only need to pick a single point, which must be at an intersection between two entities, and the chamfer line will be added at that point.

As with the Trim Corner tool, entities which are Construction Lines or not within the current block can be picked but will not be trimmed or modified in any way.

If you pick two parallel entities, or two entities which do not intersect, even when extended, then a warning message is generated.

Constraint Manager

If you have the Constraint Manager active whilst using this tool you will experience the following differences:

  • A coincident constraint is added at each end of the chamfer
  • If the chamfer is created at an intersection a coincident constraint is added to the entities on the other side of the chamfer

Related topics: Edit - Trim - Corner, Edit - Trim - Fillet

PrevFillet Slot

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Constraint Manager