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  Edit Bar controls: Overrun.

This tool allows you to extend an entity until it reaches either another entity or any one of a number of selected entities. You can only extend arc or line type entities (but not construction lines).

NOTE: The tool behaves differently, depending on whether there are entities selected when you activate it.

To extend to a specified entity, start the tool with no entities selected and pick the entity you wish to extend. Then pick the entity you wish to extend to. The entity is extended to the intersection with this picked entity. The second entity can be any geometric entity type (i.e. not a text, dimension, graphic or profile rubber entity).

To extend the entity to one of several selected entities, select the entity or entities before activating the tool. Then pick the entity you wish to extend, close to the end that you wish to be extended. The entity is extended to the first intersection with the selected entities. Subsequent picks will continue extending the end until there are no further intersections with the selected entities. Any non-geometric entity types that are selected will be ignored.

By using the Overrun option, you can extend the entity by a specified amount beyond the entity being reached. You can also enter a negative value to achieve an underrun.

Constraint Manager

If you have the Constraint Manager active whilst using this tool you will experience the following differences:

  • If Overrun is set to zero then a coincident constraint is added at the end of the modified entity

Related topics: Selecting, Edit - Trim - Break, Edit - Trim - Trim

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