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This tool allows you to break an entity at an intersection point with a single entity or at any intersection point of any number of selected entities. You may also break several entities at once.

NOTE: The tool behaves differently, depending on whether there are entities selected when you activate it.

To break an entity at its intersection point with a single entity, start the tool with no entities selected and pick the entity you wish to break. Then pick the entity you wish to break the entity at. The first entity is broken (that is, split into two or more smaller entities) at its intersection with the second entity.

To break an entity at intersection points with several selected entities, you must select them before activating the tool. Pick the entity you wish to break. It does not matter which part of the entity you pick. The entity is broken at every intersection with any of the selected entities.

When you break up a circle, note that the circle is automatically broken at the start angle specified when you drew it.

When picking the entity to break, you may pick on the background instead of directly picking on an entity. This will allow you to make a second pick - any entities crossed by the cursor line between these two picks will be broken.

Constraint Manager

If you have the Constraint Manager active whilst using this tool you will experience the following differences:

  • A coincident constraint is added between the ends of each pair of broken entities and the entity they were broken by
  • If a line that is broken originally had a line length dimension without a variable or expression then a new line length dimension is added onto the new broken line or lines
  • If an arc that is broken originally had a radius dimension then as well as copying the radius dimension onto one of the new arcs an equal radius constraint is added onto all the new arcs

Related topics: Selecting, Edit - Trim - Reach, Edit - Trim - Trim

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