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Edit Bar controls: Number of Sides, Polygon Mode, Interactive, Length of Side, Diameter, Bevel Inside, Holding Bridge, Clockwise, Duplicate Entities, Palette Group, Palette.

This tool allows you to create a polygon, by picking one of the five methods from the Polygon Mode pull-down list on the Edit Bar.

Number of Sides - allows you to specify the number of sides the polygon will have. Alternatively you can use the Up/Down Nudge keys to change this interactively.

Polygon Mode - pick the required option from the following:

  • Centre - pick the centre point of the polygon.
  • Centre & Mid Point - pick the centre point of the polygon and the mid point of an edge.
  • Centre & Side Length - pick the centre point of the polygon and enter the side length in the Side Length spinbox.
  • Centre & Vertex - pick the centre of the polygon, followed by the highest point of the polygon.
  • Vertex & Vertex - pick the two vertexes of the polygon to be created.

Interactive - allows you to pick the side length, rather than entering a distance. This option is only available for the Centre & Mid Point, Centre & Side Length and Centre & Vertex modes.

Length of Each Side - allows you to specify the side length. This option is available for the Centre and Centre/Side Length mode. You can also use the Left/Right Nudge keys to adjust the side length.

Diameter - this is the diameter of the circle that encloses the polygon. This option is available for the Centre/Mid Point and Centre/Vertex modes. You can also use the Up/Down Nudge keys to adjust the diameter.

Bevel Inside – if the current palette has side bevels defined, this will determine the direction of the bevel. See Palette Attributes.

Holding Bridge - if the current palette has holding bridges set up, this will determine the direction of any holding bridges. See Palette Attributes.

Select the Edit Bar options and pick the required points.

Constraint Manager

If you have the Constraint Manager active whilst using this tool you will experience the following differences:

  • A coincident constraint will be added at each vertex

Related topics: Notes On Draw Tools, Interactive, Palette Attributes

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