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Dimension Annotation

Edit Bar controls: Map palettes, Arrow required, New data boundary, Old data boundary, Scale, Show scale, Region, Settings, Favourites

This tool is used to copy an area of the current layer and display it separately in the same layer.

See Dimension General for standard Edit Bar controls.

Map palettes - determines the palettes of the copied entities. If this option is checked they will be created using the palette specified in Options Project; if not checked then the properties of the copied palettes will be as the original entities.

Arrow required - if checked you will be prompted to add an arrow from the original drawing to the annotation.

New data boundary - determines if the annotation is to be created with a border.

Old data boundary - determines if a border is to be added around the original entities.

Scale - scale of the annotation.

Show scale - if checked you will be prompted to position the scale text.

Region - pick from Circular or Rectangular.

Circular - allows you to define the entities or section of entities to be copied by specifying a circular area. To identify the area pick the centre point of the circle and then pick a point on the circle circumference.

Rectangular - allows you to define the entities or section of entities to be copied by specifying a rectangular area. To identify the area pick the first corner of the rectangle and then pick the opposite diagonal corner.

Set the Edit Bar controls. Pick the Region to be annotated, then pick the basepoint where the annotation will be displayed. Depending upon the Edit bar controls, you may be prompted to add an arrow: pick the start point of the arrow, then pick the end point.

The arrow head is displayed at the first picked point. You may then be prompted to position the scale of the annotation.

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