Impact 2024 now released, bringing with it a host of new features. Details here.

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Text Editor

Edit Bar controls: none.

This tool allows you to modify the wording, style, position or orientation of a text entity.

On starting the tool, pick the text entity you wish to modify. A yellow box (this colour is configurable in Environment Options - Colours) is drawn around the text entity and another around the extents of the current block. The tool switches into Move mode, allowing you to pick a new position for the entity.

Alternatively right-click to display the context-menu, allowing:

Move - allows you to move text freehand, by the anchor point.

Rotate - allows you to rotate text freehand, about the anchor point.

Edit - displays the Text Editor form.

Pick - allows you to pick the next text entity to be modified.

A powerful feature of this tool is that it allows the easy modification of text within blocks without having to move into the block, make the modifications and then save the changes to the block. The tool simply checks whether the text you have picked is in a block and behaves appropriately.

Related topics:  Notes on Draw Tools, Text

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