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Stripper Male Waste

The Stripper Male Waste form can be opened from Master Tool Settings or the Stripper Creator tool.

These settings represent all the values required by the Stripper Creator tool that relate to the default positioning of male stripping components inside a single male waste area, primarily for the purposes of conventional stripping, be that following a contour around the waste area profile, or using special rules for the consideration of slots and fill.


Enter the unique MTS name.


Enter an optional description for these settings.

The various pages are described below:




Male Knives

Stripping Pins


Wooden Blocks

Support Pins


Stripper Male Waste - General

Leave Original

If checked, a copy of the original geometry for the waste area will be copied to the same destination as the male waste, using the specified Palette.

Outside Waste Areas

Standard Offset

Specifies the usual, standard offset value from the edge of the waste area that the tool should use when attempting to automatically place waste components.

Slot Offset

Specifies the offset value from the edge of the waste area that the tool should use when placing male waste components in a slot (in areas where the standard offset is too large). If this is still too large, the minimum offset will be used.

Minimum Offset

Specifies the minimum offset value from the edge of the waste area that the tool should use when placing male waste components (in areas where the standard offset is too large).

Additional Offset from Restrictions

If you have placed restrictions, an additional offset may be used so that male waste components are placed further away from these restrictions than the standard/minimum offset.

Additional Offset from Breakers

If you have placed breakers, an additional offset may be used so that male waste components are placed further away from these breakers than the standard/minimum offset.


Top Distance

Specifies the distance from the last back edge cut type entity to the back of the perimeter waste area that needs to be covered by male waste components.

Side Distance

Specifies the distance from the last side lay/off lay cut type entity to the side of the perimeter waste area that needs to be covered by male waste components. The default Match female option will use the female area defined in the Stripper Machine. If you choose From design then you should enter the distance.

Inside Waste Areas

Standard Offset

Specifies the usual, standard offset value from the edge of the waste area that the tool should use when attempting to automatically place waste components.

Slot Offset

Specifies the offset value from the edge of the waste area that the tool should use when placing male waste components in a slot (in areas where the standard offset is too large). If this is still too large, the minimum offset will be used.

Minimum Offset

Specifies the minimum offset value from the edge of the waste area that the tool should use when placing male waste components (in areas where the standard offset is too large).

Additional Offset from Restrictions

If you have placed restrictions, an additional offset may be used so that male waste components are placed further away from these restrictions than the standard/minimum offset.

Additional Offset from Breakers

If you have placed breakers, an additional offset may be used so that male waste components are placed further away from these breakers than the standard/minimum offset.


Stripper Male Waste - Coverage

Each Male Waste Component has an area of waste that it can cover and strip successfully. This area may differ depending on the type of the component.

For each component type, the effective offset specifies the offset of a sausage shaped area of coverage around the component; increasing this value will decrease the number of components that the tool thinks are needed to cover a waste area automatically. For Stripping Pins, the value is a ratio as the offset is in proportion to the diameter of the pin.


Stripper Male Waste - Components

This page allows you to specify the male waste components that you wish to be used to cover areas of male waste, in many different combinations.

The Contour components are those that are to be placed in a line close to the edge of the waste area, following its profile. If Wooden blocks are to be used, this must be specified here. The contour components are placed at the standard offset. In areas where the standard offset is too large to place a contour line of components, the slot offset is used instead.

The Slot components are those that are to be placed in slots, areas outside the contour components, where the contour cannot reach. The slot components are placed at the minimum offset.

Choosing Stripping Pins and then Male Knives/Claws forces the tool to attempt to place stripping pins in slots first, and only use male knives or claws in slots when the stripping pins do not fit.

The Fill components are those that are to be placed inside the contour/slot components in order to fill large waste areas. The fill components are placed at the minimum offset. If wooden blocks are to be used in a fill combination with another component, such as profiled with Male Knives, this can be specified here.

Choosing either Allow Male Knives to be angled or Allow Claws to be angled allows the tool to try to place these components at any angle it likes when trying to fill an area; this is recommended. However, if it is required that such components should always be horizontal or perpendicular when used for filling areas, these options can be disabled.

Choosing Male Knives and then Stripping Pins forces the tool to attempt to place male knives in fill areas first, and only use stripping pins in any small gaps between when male knives do not fit.

The male waste component pages for Stripping Pins, Male Knives, Claws and Wooden Block will only be available if that component type has been enabled on this page. Select the Manual male knives, stripping pins or claws option to specify that you would like to make it possible for these types of components to be added and edited manually, even if they are not placed automatically as part of the contour, slot or fill components.

Forced slots can also be defined manually, if the automatic detection of such areas via a minimum offset value is insufficient. Choosing either Bisect with Male Knives or Bisect with Claws will force the tool to attempt to automatically place such components in these areas by placing a line of components down the longest bisection line of the slot; although the male component offset value can be specified to keep the components the specified distance away from the end of the bisection line, there is always a risk that such components will be too close (less than the minimum offset) to edge of the profile. Choosing Leave empty tells the tool to leave such areas free of automatically generated components, so the user can place components manually if required.

Stripping Pins

Stripper Male Waste - Stripping Pins

This page allows you to set up the catalogue of stripping pins which is to be used by the tool.


Specifies the palette that the stripping pin entities should use.


From the list select the way that the stripping pins should be defined. Male Components is the recommended option, the others being legacy options. Clicking on the Setup button shows a different form depending on the selection.

Male Knives

Stripper Male Waste - Male Knives

This page allows you to set up the catalogue of male knives which is to be used by the tool.


Specifies the palette that the male knife entities should use.


From the list select the way that the male knives should be defined. Male Components is the recommended option, the others being legacy options. Clicking on the Setup button shows a different form depending on the selection.


Stripper Male Waste - Claws

This page allows you to set up the catalogue of claws which is to be used by the tool.


  • Male Stripper Components - Setup

From the list select the way that the stripping pins should be defined. Male Components is the recommended option, and currently the only option. Clicking on the Setup button shows a different form depending on the selection.

Wooden Blocks

Stripper Male Waste - Wooden Blocks

This page allows you to set up the wooden block which is to be used by the tool.


Specifies the palette that the wooden block entities should use.


Specifies the offset value from the edge of the waste area that the tool should use when attempting to automatically place the wooden block.

Use laser offsets

To add the laser beam allowance to the wooden block profile check this option and add the Beam width.



Specifies the minimum thickness (by thickness we mean its two-dimensional width or girth, and not the actual depth of the board) of wooden block that should be used. If this is set to 0, then there will never be any slots once the wooden block is placed. Increasing this value increases the likelihood that an area will be considered a wooden block slot.

Air hole offset

Specifies the offset value from the edge of the wooden block that the tool should use when attempting to automatically place air holes. If this is set to 0, no air holes will be placed. Otherwise, this will give the thickness of the wooden block around the air holes.

Air hole palette

Specifies the palette that the air hole entities should use.

Copy air holes to male

If checked, a copy of the air hole geometry for the wooden block will be copied to the same destination as the male base.

Support Pins

Male Stripper Waste - Support Pins

Major Symbols

If checked, major support pins will be placed in all wooden blocks, using the specified Radius and Double symbol. The radius defines the actual size of the support pin.

Minor Symbols

If checked, minor support pins will be placed in all wooden blocks, using the specified Double symbol (the radius is assumed to be the same or smaller than the major support pin radius).


Effective offset

Specifies the offset (in proportion to the diameter of the pin) of a circle shaped area of coverage around the pin. Increasing this value will decrease the number of pins that are needed to cover a wooden block.

Minimum spacing

Specifies the minimum distance between two automatically created support pins.

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