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Fillet Slot

  Edit Bar controls: Split Fillet.

This tools allows you to modify a slot shape (made up of 3 lines or arcs, normally end-to-end), filleting the end of the slot. The fillet radius is automatically determined by the slot geometry.

Pick the start entity, the middle one (which is to be replaced by the fillet) and the end entity.

The palette used for the new arc is determined by the first entity picked.

If the Split Fillet option was enabled, the new arc is split into two entities. This option is normally used to aid plotter optimisation.

Constraint Manager

If you have the Constraint Manager active whilst using this tool you will experience the following differences:

  • A coincident constraint and a tangent constraint is added at each end of the fillet
  • If the fillet is Split into two arcs then a coincident constraint is added between the ends of each arc and a cocircular constraint is added to both arcs

Related topics: Edit - Trim - Fillet

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