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Edit Bar controls: Extend Length, Length Mode.

This tool allows you to extend a line, arc or Bezier at one end by the distance specified in Extend Length. You can either enter the required length on the edit bar or use the Nudge keys to adjust the length interactively. If you enter a negative value, the entity will be shortened.

Pick the entity, close to the end that you wish to be extended/shortened. 

Length Mode. From the drop-down list choose one of the following:-

  • Line Length
  • X-Offset
  • Y-Offset

If the mode is Line Length then the entity is extended by the specified amount.

If the mode is X-Offset then the entity (which should be a line) is extended such that the x-offset of the extension is equal to the specified amount.

If the mode is Y-Offset then the entity (which should be a line) is extended such that the y-offset of the extension is equal to the specified amount.

If you attempt to extend an entity other than a straight line with either the X-Offset or Y-Offset modes, then the Line Length mode will be used instead.

Related topics: Edit - Trim - Shorten

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