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Line Offset

 Edit Bar controls:  Construction, Interactive, Offset, Use Last, Number, Both Ends, Angled, Angle, Extend Distance, Fillet Radius, Create Duplicate Entities, Palette Group, Palette.

This tool allows you to draw one or more entities parallel to an existing entity (line, arc or circle). The length of the new line/arc may be determined by the original, or new lines/circles may be drawn as construction entities.

Construction - determines if the new entities are to be construction lines/circles.

Interactive - this option allows you to pick the position of the new entity, rather than entering an offset distance.

Offset - this is the offset distance the new entities will be drawn from the original (not applicable when picking circles).

Use Last - appears once the first offset entity has been created, allowing you to offset the previously created offset entity without re-picking it - simply modify the Offset distance and press <Enter>.

Number - enter the number of new entities required; each new entity will have the same offset distance.

Both Ends - if checked, then the new entities will be linked to the original at both ends.

Angled - if checked, then the new entities will be drawn in accordance with the angle specified in the Angle entry field.

Angle - specifies the angle between the end points of the new and original entities. In the example below, offset the crease line on the left with Both Ends checked and an Angle of 15deg:

Extend Distance - this option is only available when Angled is disabled. It defines the length by which each offset entity will be extended at either end. In the example below, offset the cut-crease line on the left with an Extend Distance of 5mm.

Fillet Radius - this option is only available if the Both Ends option is checked. If checked, the new entities will be linked to the original at both ends, with the specified radius. In interactive mode you can either enter the required radius on the edit bar or use the Nudge keys to adjust it interactively.

Constraint Manager

If you have the Constraint Manager active whilst using this tool you will experience the following differences:

  • A coincident constraint is added between each adjoining offset entity and where the offset side lines join the original entity
  • If fillets are included then a tangent constraint is added at each end, a radius dimension is added onto one of the fillets and equal radius constraint added onto both fillets

When offsetting from a line:

  • A parallel constraint is added between the original line and the offset line - if multiple offsets are created then all the offset lines are included in the same parallel constraint
  • If Both Ends is checked and Angled is not checked then perpendicular constraints are added between the end lines and the original line as well as between the end lines and the offset line
  • If Both Ends and Angled are both checked then an angle dimension is added to one of the end lines and an equal angle constraint is added to both end lines
  • In Non-interactive mode a linear dimension is added for the distance between the original line and the offset line - if multiple offsets are created then an equal distance constraint is added between each neighbouring pair of offset lines
  • In Interactive mode the tool infers when the offset distance gets close to a previously used offset and it snaps to use that distance unless the Control modifier is used - if the offset is placed whilst inferring to another offset then an equal distance constraint is added to the two offset distances

When offsetting from an arc:

  • A concentric constraint is added between the original arc and the offset arc - if multiple offsets are created then all the offset arcs are included in the same concentric constraint
  • In Interactive mode the tool infers when the offset distance gets close to a previously used offset and it snaps to use that offset unless the Control modifier is used

Related topics: Notes On Draw Tools, Interactive, Draw - Offset

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