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Arc Start End Radius

Edit Bar controls: Small, Clockwise, Create Duplicate Entities, Palette Group, Palette, Entry Mode, Radius, Diameter.

This tool allows you to create an arc by specifying start & end points and a specified radius.

Small - allows you to specify whether you require an arc less than or equal to 180 degrees.

Clockwise - allows you to specify whether the arc should be drawn clockwise from the start point to the end point.

Entry Mode - you can specify the radius or diameter of the arc.

Radius - if radius is selected, you can enter the required radius in this spinbox.

Diameter - if diameter is selected, you can enter the required diameter in this spinbox.

Select the Edit Bar options and pick the start and end points of the arc.

Constraint Manager

If you have the Constraint Manager active whilst using this tool you will experience the following differences:

  • A coincident constraint will be added for the first click if it's on an entity
  • A coincident constraint will be added for the second click if it's on an entity and the click point hasn't gone beyond the specified radius
  • A radius dimension is added on first use of a specified radius and subsequent uses if the Shift modifier is used
  • An equal radius constraint is added on multiple use of the same radius

Related topics: Notes On Draw Tools

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