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Add Sheet Sizes and Symbol

  Edit Bar controls: Layout Palette Settings, Centre X, Centre Y, Standard Sheet, Accept.

This tool allows you to draw a sheet size around the current layout. The sheet size is taken from the current layer settings or from a Standard Sheet setting (if checked).


Select the Layout Palette setting to use.

Centre X

If this option is checked then the sheet sizes (if drawn) will be centred in the X direction.

Centre Y

If this option is checked then the sheet sizes (if drawn) will be centred in the Y direction.

Standard Sheet

If this option is checked it allows you to use a Layout Machine / Sheet setting from the master tool settings. If unchecked the layer attributes will be used for the sheet size.


Select a sheet size to draw from the list of Machine / Sheet sizes stored in the master tool settings.


Press this button to complete the tool.

Related Topics: Master Tool Settings Layout Sheet Sizes, Master Tool Settings Layout Palette, Layer Properties

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