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Fill Area

  Edit Bar controls: Accept, Machines, Use Selected.

This tool allows you to create offset entities of specified palettes inside a picked or selected hole. The offset entities have a width assigned to them and the palettes will fill the hole. This tool can be used to create delamination areas for a make ready.

Machines - choose the named settings from the list. These settings are stored in the Master Tool Settings. You can make a temporary override to the settings shown by pressing the edit button and changing the values shown in the Fill Settings form.

The area to add the new geometry to can be identified in two ways:

  1. Picking a point inside the hole - To identify the hole to be filled, pick a point inside the hole, the entities surrounding the picked hole are highlighted in white. If the area detected is only part of the area you wish to strip, you can hold the Shift key down while picking additional areas - these will be added to the stripped area. Similarly holding Control down will remove picked areas. This part of the tool is similar to the Hole Finder tool. Once the hole has been identified click Accept to create the new geometry.
  2. Use Selected - The hole to add the new geometry to can be identified by selecting the surrounding entities before running the tool. Then click Use Selected.

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