Impact 2024 now released, bringing with it a host of new features. Details here.

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Create Lower

  The woodsize is first created, using the parameters defined in the MTS on the Female Outer page.

This is followed by the symbol patterns defined in the MTS on the Symbol Patterns page, Female section.

Edit bar controls

There are two modes for this tool, selectable on the edit bar.

Offset from one-ups

Enter the required offset on the edit bar and then identify an entity within one of the one-ups. Offset entities will be created around the cut extents of the identified one-up. These entities will have drag handles at their end points and mid-points. Something like this:

The tool starts in Edit mode and the edit bar now looks like this:

The Precision specifies the step as the cursor moves whilst you are moving the drag handles.

You can now use the Edit sub-tool from the context menu. This will enable the following tools:

  • Add Point – split a line at the chosen point; you can specify a fillet radius on the edit bar
  • Edit Point – this is the default mode; drag a handle to a new location
  • Remove Point – straighten adjacent entities by removing their intersection point
  • Corner – pick two entities; all entities between them will be removed and they will be joined

The right-click context menu will contain the following options:

  • Edit bar options are repeated
  • Finish lower inner – Finish editing these offset entities
  • Cancel lower inner – The current offset entities will be removed and you’ll be back to the Create Mode stage
  • Copy Section – Identify the start and end of the required section followed by the pick-up point and the put-down point for the section – this is described in more detail here
  • New – Create a new inner by identifying another one-up
  • Select – Select an inner to edit
  • Edit
  • Copy– Copy the selected inner to another one-up; select a pick-up and a put-down point; the edit bar will have these options:
    • Auto copy
    • Rotate 180deg
    • Linked
  • Delete – Delete the selected inner

The Copy options are described in more detail here

Rectangle from extents mode

Click on Ok to open the Lower Inner Offsets form.

The tool will create a rectangle offset from the cut extents. This form is used to define how those offsets will be applied.

Here is an example of the rectangle, when it has been first added:-

The rectangle line at the back edge is shown highlighted, whilst the other three lines are shown in black.

Edit bar controls

As you move the cursor around the offset entities you will see them become highlighted and the edit bar mode will change accordingly, showing Top, Left, Right or Grip.

You can then adjust the offset entities by selecting panel entities as shown here:

And then like this:

After doing a similar process with the left, right and grip you might end with something like this:

2 Click Mode

Switching this option on requires you to identify the entity to be offset from with the first click, followed by a second click to define the direction of the offset.

Whilst using this tool there will be a context menu available:

  • Edit bar options are repeated
  • Finish lower inner – Exit the lower inner tool
  • Cancel lower inner – Remove all lower inner entities
  • Edit offset entities – Use the drag handles to edit the entities
  • Edit perimeter – This sub-tool makes the Fillet and Bridges tools available on the Edit menu
  • Copy section – Copy a section of the lower inner as described earlier


This tool is available when editing the perimeter of the lower inner. Starting the tool gives this edit bar:

Enter the required radius and identify an intersection point on the perimeter. A fillet radius will be added at this point.

Use the delete button  to delete an existing fillet. You will be prompted to select a fillet point. The pictures below show a before and after example.

Whilst running this tool the context menu will have two extra options:

Fillet all

Selecting this option will give you the option of overriding the fillet radius and then all intersections in the lower inner will have fillets added to them.

Remove fillets

This option removes any fillets in the lower inner, returning the intersections to corners.


There are two possibilities for adding bridges, and this is defined in the MTS. If Bridge to palette has been selected, then this option will never be available. The other method is to add bridges manually.

You can use the snap modes to add bridges. At this stage square markers are added to identify the chosen bridge locations; the bridges will actually be added when the tool finishes.

Whilst adding bridges a new option is added to the context menu.

Delete bridges

Identify a bridge marker to remove.

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