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Rubber Creator Edit Toolbar

Undo - This tool allows you to undo a sequence of functions previously used.

Redo  - This tool is used to redo a sequence of functions used.

Delete Rubber Block - Will delete a rubber block by picking a point on the block with the mouse.

Remove Hole - Will remove the relief hole (any internal enclosed cutouts in a rubber part) by picking a point on the hole in the rubber block with the mouse.

Drag Rubber - Will move or copy a rubber block.

Compress Blocks - Will check all rubber blocks to see if there are any (geometry-) identical blocks of different names and change them to the same block insertion thereby compressing the block structure.

Rubber Panel - Will create rubber blocks for an internal shape (i.e. on the inside of a panel on a one-up) and optionally apply a Crease Mask.

Rubber Path - Will create rubber blocks relative to a series of entities and optionally apply a Crease Mask.

Rubber Hole - Will create rubber on both sides of a closed series of entities, i.e. a hole or a panel and optionally apply a Crease Mask.

Change Rubber Type - Will change the rubber palette of a picked block to the Rubber type specified on the Edit Bar.

Change Rubber Attributes - Will allow you to change the properties of a rubber block.

Internal Knife Offset - Will change the default rubber offset from any entities that are enclosed within a rubber block profile, i.e. loose pieces of glue perforation rule on a flap fully enclosed with rubber.

Straighten - This tools allows you to straighten rubber blocks by adding 'V's to intersection points to optimize nesting results.

Text Editor - This tool allows you to modify a text entity.

Edit Profile - This tool allows you to add and change profile rubber entities.

Tools described in detail:

> Delete Rubber Block
> Remove Hole
> Drag Rubber
> Compress Blocks
> Rubber Panel
> Rubber Path
> Rubber Hole
> Change Rubber Type
> Change Rubber Attributes
> Internal Knife Offset
> Straighten
> Text Editor
> Edit Profile

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