Impact 2024 now released, bringing with it a host of new features. Details here.

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Component Wizard

The Component Wizard allows you to create re-usable 3D inserts from any combination of selected folding models, light sources, cameras and mesh objects within the current 3D layer. 

Components are then stored as Master Tool Settings and may be subsequently inserted into 3D layers via the 3D Components Library Standard Toolbox.

Although the Component Preview may be subsequently modified, the components themselves cannot be edited.


Name - provide a unique name for the component.

Description - provide an optional description for the component.

Settings - select an existing folder to save the component into, or create a new folder/sub-folder.


Specify which elements of the current 3D scene will be added to the component.

All selected objects - all selected objects will be added to the component.

Objects by type - specify the objects to be added to the component based on the object type. Note that you do not need to make a selection in order to use this option. 

Pick from the following object types:

  • Lights
  • Cameras
  • Mesh Objects
  • Folding Models

Animations - if an object has been animated, the animation can be stored as part of the component.  Pick this option to store the object animation as part of the component.

Textures - if an object has applied textures, they can be stored as part of the component.  Pick this option to copy artwork/textures textures within your defined Graphic Repository.

                    The component would then reference the linked graphics.

  • Embed Textures - if enabled, textures will be embedded into the component, as opposed to being linked from the defined Graphics Repository.


The Preview page displays a thumbnail image of the 3D component.  You can use the Preview Controls (Zoom In/ZoomOut/Zoom In/Out/Zoom Box/Pan & Zoom/Camera Rotate) to modify the view. 

NOTE: There is also a Preview Context Menu which replicates the most useful Preview Controls but provides additional 3D Display and View options, plus an option to Save Image.

Import Preview

This tool allows you to use an existing image file (such as a 3D Snapshot) as a Preview thumbnail for the component.  The chosen image file would then be embedded into the component itself.


Click Finish to save the component.

Related topics: Notes On 3D Tools, Visibility, 3D Components Library.

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