Impact 2024 now released, bringing with it a host of new features. Details here.

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This page could be different depending on whether you are running the Standards Designer or the Design Component Designer.

Standards Designer

Standards Designer - Options Tab

Standard Options

Standard Type

The specified Library Object Licence is displayed here.


Press this button to open the Standard Protection form, where you can specify the Library Object Licence required to run this standard together with a password to protect the standard from modification.

Store the automation within the drawing file

Switch this option on if you want to store the macro/automation in the project file.

Geometry Construction

This list contains a series of separate geometry constructions.


Press this button to open the Geometry Construction form where you can configure a new item.


Press this button to open the Geometry Construction form where you can configure the highlighted item.


Press this button to remove the highlighted construction from the list.

Use these buttons to alter the order of the items in the list.

Design Component Designer

Design Component Designer - Options Tab

Design Component Options

Parametric Layer

From the pulldown list of layers choose the appropriate one, such as Preview or Working.

Display variables

From the pulldown list choose Never, Before choosing anchor(s) or After choosing anchor(s). This option defines when, if at all, the Design Component Wizard will be displayed when inserting this Design Component into a project.

Use parametric cursor

Switch this option on to display the Design Component as part of the cursor when adding this Component to a project.

Place part multiple times

Switch this option on if you are likely to want to add several instances of this Component. Otherwise just a single instance will be added.

Design Component Anchors

This table displays the part anchors that have been defined in this Component.

Select in CAD

Press this button to deselect all entities in the Component and then select the entity referred to by the highlighted entry in the list.


Press this button to change the Anchor Properties.


Press this button to remove all anchors from the list.

If there is more than one item in the list you can change their execution order using these buttons.

Replicating Part

Switch this option on if the Component part is to be placed multiple times along the destination entity, with specified spacing parameters.

Part Count

Enter the number of parts to be placed, or use the Expression Builder to generate a formula to calculate the number.

Minimum Gap

Enter the minimum gap allowed between successive parts, or use the Expression Builder to generate a formula to calculate the value.

First Gap

Enter the gap that should be left before the first part, or use the Expression Builder to generate a formula to calculate the value.

Last Gap

Enter the gap that should be left after the final part, or use the Expression Builder to generate a formula to calculate the value.

Let user override part replication

Switch this option on if you want the user to override the replication parameters above. In this case the Replicate part form will be displayed after they position the part.

Part Length

From the pulldown choose First part anchor length, Part extents length or Expression. If you choose Expression, then the expression field, below, will be enabled.


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