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This tool allows you to add a new camera to the current 3D scene. Run the tool and click the required position to place the new camera. The 3D scene will be updated and the new camera will be added to the 3D Scene pane of the Impact Explorer 3D Scene tab.

You can modify the properties of the camera by right-clicking on the camera and picking Properties from the context menu or selecting the camera and clicking the Camera tab of the Entity Inspector Standard Toolbox.

A Free Camera (left) and a Target Camera (right) within a 3D Scene

3D Scene Tab of the Impact Explorer showing a Free camera (New Camera), a Target Camera (New Camera_1) and associated Target (New Camera_1 Target)

Related topics: Notes On 3D Tools, 3D Camera Properties, 3D Components, Impact Explorer Standard Toolbox, Entity Inspector Standard Toolbox, Visibility.

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