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Properties - Camera

This form allows you to change the type of any 3D camera. You can open the form by right-clicking on the camera and picking Properties from the context menu or right-clicking a 3D camera node on the 3D Scene tab of the Impact Explorer and selecting Properties.

You can also modify the properties by selecting the camera and clicking the Camera tab of the Entity Inspector Standard Toolbox.

3D Camera Properties

Impact features two camera types - the Free Camera and the Target Camera. When a new camera is created, it will be a Free Camera type by default.

  • Free cameras can move and/or tilt along X, Y or Z-axes. They are best suited to moving along straight lines.
  • Target cameras can also move along X, Y or Z-axes, but their rotations are governed by a matching target, which can be used to point the camera - move the target and the camera will rotate to face the target. Target cameras are best suited to curved paths.

Both camera types (and camera targets) can be animated if required.

Changing the properties of a Free Camera to a Target Camera will automatically add a matching target to the scene. The "target" will be added to the 3D Scene tab of the Impact Explorer Standard Toolbox. By default, it will be named after the camera that it belongs to.

You can also modify the properties of the camera by selecting the camera and clicking the Camera tab of the Entity Inspector Standard Toolbox.

Cameras and/or targets can be re-named via the 3D Scene tab of the Impact Explorer Standard Toolbox. Right-click on the camera (or target) on the Explorer and pick Rename from the Context Menu.

Cameras and/or targets can be 'parented' with other objects (such as moving mesh objects, light sources or folding models), to create advanced animation effects. You can do this by dragging & dropping a 3D camera (or camera target) onto another insert within the 3D Scene tab of the Impact Explorer Standard Toolbox.

Related topics: Notes On 3D Tools, 3D Components, Impact Explorer Standard Toolbox, Entity Inspector Standard Toolbox, Visibility.

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