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Dimension Aligned



NOTE: This tool can be used in both 2D & 3D drawing layers. The Edit Bar options and Help Tips will differ, depending upon the context.

2D Layer

Edit Bar controls: Fixed Text, Both ends, Align dimension, Dimension Mode, Text mode, Width, Height, Settings, Favourites.

The tool allows you to dimension distances which are not simply horizontal or vertical. You must pick two points, which may lie on the same entity or different entities.

See Dimension General for standard Edit Bar controls.

Pick the first point. A flexible dimension, comprising a projection line, dimension line and text outline is drawn. Pick the second point defining the dimension.

Again, a flexible dimension is drawn, this time with two projection lines, allowing you to fix the position of the dimension line.

When picking the points, you should be careful to use an appropriate snap mode to ensure the dimension is placed accurately. See Snap Modes and Lock Modifiers.

3D Layer

Edit Bar controls: Placement Snap, Settings, Favourites.

Again, the tool allows you to dimension distances which are not simply horizontal or vertical. You must pick two points, which may lie on the same entity or different entities.

NOTE: A suitable Snap Mode must be used with this tool in this context.

Snap Smart - will display snap points at the vertices (edges) & mid-points of a surface on a folding model, but only on the vertices (edges) of a face of a mesh object.

Snap End - will display snap points at the vertices (ends) of a surface on a folding model or on the vertices (edges) of a face on a mesh object.

Snap Mid - will display snap points at the middle of the edges of a folding model or a face on a mesh object.

Snap Centre - will display a snap point at the centre of a surface on a folding model or on a face of a mesh object.

You can also use the Lock > Horizontal, Lock > Vertical or Lock > Both modes when using this tool on a 3D layer.

Run the tool and hover the cursor over a surface (or face) to highlight it.

Hold down the Shift key to toggle between highlighting the front-face & the back-face of surfaces on folding models only.

NOTE: The Shift key has no effect on mesh objects.

Hold down the Control key to display snap-points on the highlighted surface or face.

Combining the Shift & Control keys will allow you to display Mid, End and Centre snap-points on the front or back-face of any surface on a folding model or on a face of a mesh object.

Pick the first point. A flexible dimension, comprising a projection line, dimension line and text outline is drawn. Pick the second point defining the dimension. Again, a flexible dimension is drawn, this time with two projection lines, allowing you to fix the position of the dimension line.

Checking the Edit Bar option Placement Snap will allow you to align the dimension with the world or object-axis. If the Placement Snap option is unchecked, you can place the dimension anywhere within the 3D scene.

NOTE: Front & back-face highlight colours and snap colours may be user-defined via the Environment options.

See Dimension General for standard Edit Bar controls.

    Front-face highlighting & 3D snaps on the surface of a folding model and 3D snaps on the face of a mesh object.

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