Impact 2024 now released, bringing with it a host of new features. Details here.

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Draw Tools

These tools allow you to draw most types of entity, including basic geometry (lines, arcs and circles), Bezier curves, dimensions, text, and so on. In general, the new entities are created in the current layer of the current drawing.

Most entities have a palette assigned to them - normally this is the current palette as shown on the Design Bar. (Note that you can assign a default palette to text, dimension and construction entities, via Design Options.)

When picking points to locate new entities, it is usually necessary to use snap modes and lock modifiers to ensure the picked points are accurate.

To modify entities once you have drawn them, you can select them and use the tools on the Edit menu. Alternatively you can use the Entity Inspector to change many of an entity's properties.

If you are using the Diemaking module of Impact, many of the geometry drawing tools have three extra options:

  • Create Duplicate Entities - causes an additional line/arc/circle to be drawn
  • Palette Group - the palette group from which the palette for the additional entity may be selected.
  • Palette - the palette for the additional entity. This can be useful particularly when drawing make-ready geometry by hand.

Tools described in this section:

> Multiple Lines And Arcs
> Line
> Arc
> Circle
> Bezier
> Dimension
> Text
> Offset
> Hatch
> Hole finder
> Path finder
> Ordered Draw
> Add Ticks
> Report Drawing Area
> Digitise
> Snap
> Lock
> Draw Sample Nicks

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