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This tool allows you to create a new material to be used within the current 3D scene.

The tool opens the Material Properties form, where you will be prompted for the properties of the new material - Name, Colour (Diffuse, Ambient, Specular & Emissive), Transparency, Reflections (Brightness, Sharpness & Metallic), Material Type (Standard or Legacy), Textures (Base, Gloss & Bump) and Shininess.

The new material will be added to the Materials pane of the Impact Explorer, 3D Scene tab and can be applied to folding models or mesh objects by drag & drop.

The behaviour of the modifier keys (Shift and Control) differs, depending on whether you're dropping the material onto a mesh or a folding model.

For meshes:

  • No modifier - this will replace just the material that is being dropped onto with the one being dragged, over one entire side of the mesh.
  • Shift key - this will replace all materials with the one being dragged, over one entire side of the mesh.
  • Control key - this will replace all materials on the front (outside) of the polygon dropped onto, which is not necessarily the same as the dropped side.
  • Shift + Control keys - this will replace all materials on both sides of the entire mesh.

For folding models:

  • No modifier - this will replace all materials on the entire side (or edge) of the model being dropped onto.
  • Shift key - this will replace all materials on the inside and outside of the model, but not the edge.
  • Control key - this is the same as the default, with no modifiers.
  • Shift + Control key - this will replace all materials on the inside, outside and edge of the model.

Related topics: Notes On 3D Tools.

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