Enter a unique name for this setting.
Enter an optional description for this setting.
Material - General
Material Settings
From the pulldown list choose the required material type:
Alternatively, you can enter a material type of your own choice.
Base Material
From the pull-down tree list, optionally choose the existing Material MTS to be used as a base for this one, from which material variables can be inherited.
If a base material is used, its material variables are used.
If a base material is used and the actual Material MTS contains material variables, these variables are also used in combination.
Actual material variables take precedence over base material variables, where the same variable is present in both.
Material - Variables
The material variables for this material are displayed here, within groups.
These are configured via the right-click context menu:
Use this option to add a group of variables to this material. The menu will look something like this:
In the example above the Corrugated group has several sub-groups (displayed), as does the Folding Carton group. Select the required group and it will be added to the table. Alternatively, you can select Missing Groups, and all variable groups that are not already in this material will be added.
Add New...
Use this option to add a new material variable using the Material Variable form.
Edit Value
Use this option to edit the value of the variable in the right hand column of the table.
Use this option to check all variables are still in the current group and add any missing ones to the group. This option is only available when you right-click on a group rather than a variable.
Update All
Use this option to check all variables are still in all groups and add any missing ones to each of the groups.
Select a number of variables in the list and use this option to remove them from the list.
Delete all
Use this option to remove all variables from the list.
Copy From...
Use this option to copy one or more variable groups from another material. This is done using the Copy From Material form.